Monday, April 21, 2008

Final reflections on UX

This is it... the end of the semester marking the start of examinations that I dread. But before I really bid this module goodbye, let me say a few things and some thoughts regarding UX design.

Assignment 0 - A good start into the module, I remembered I was trying to think of the bad designs I have came across in my life but suddenly couldn't remembered all of them for this assignment. In the end I used the clock as what I think as a bad design. From this assignment, I know how to have an eye for bad design and identify what is actually useful for the user. Sometimes when I find some things puzzling and frustrating to use, bad User Interface (UI) could be the reason, but it didn't really cross my mind at that time. And I wondered if it was my usage and being a 'bad' user really cause all the problems I was facing. But now I know that being a 'bad' user is not totally bad, it is just the bad design causing us to become one.

Assignment 1 - Wow... I have no idea that product and emotion comes hand in hand. Silly me It does. How we use a product and the emotional attachment that we bring when we use the product is very important. Sometimes this could be how experience is being build. Able to have a product pleasurable and fun to use can make the user happy and feel good. And also the subjectivity that it encompassed is wide. For a bag that I find which is practical to use (behavioural), can be a something with a meaning for them (reflective).

Assignment 2 - Difficult assignment... oops... but I remembered I spent a lot of time creating the persona for a cute Hello Kitty handphone. I learnt something new is that creating a persona from scratch is not easy, and sometimes we may be exaggerating certain aspects and ignoring other aspects. It is always useful to refer to a real person when we are creating personas for a product. I feel that a persona that we created for a product may not be the persona that the other think should be using the product. My point is that persona is another subjective thing which certain people may have different meanings and perspectives for a product.

Assignment 3 - This was called a nightmare assignment. After doing it, I think maybe it is. Although I didn't have the feeling of nightmarish doing this assignment, it could be doing this with other concurrent assignments of other modules is enough to make it nightmarish. Initally, I have no absolute idea in how to approach this other than just observation and interviews. But from what I can see, improving LT learning experience is a very big thing itself, and many factors determine the perfect environment for good learning. I learnt that there is no absolute method we can use to really improve something which is so unpredictable and subjective like learning experience which differs from people to people. The best that designers tries to do is to fulfill the needs and let the users be the ones to determine what is really for them.

Final Project - Finally the final project, I did this project with Nelson and Yee Shiang. We had a tough time to decide what product we can so before we settle on the a planner. We didn't even know we are going to do a planner when we initially were thinking about improving and imparting life skills to people, which later we realized that it is something not easily solvable by a product. Life skills is something we goes through in life so that we will learn and gain experience from. We didn't think much because we were really stuck, and then after a long discussion, we finally settle on a planner.

The most difficult part of this project is to visualise the needs and getting users to test the product. I know why the process of a good user research is messy and time consuming. It was really the case when I was doing the project. Lot of times I have to be very patient and the need to make the effort to let the user to test out our product and give us valuable feedbacks. I really want to thanks those who have give us their time in helping us in our project. Also in the process, I have learnt a lot and gain valuable experiences in UI design.

Last words - Like Reddy always said in his lectures that we cannot create experiences. I think it is a trap that designers might fall in trying to design to create the experiences, but it's just isn't the case. Experience will only come after the product is done and needs of the user are fulfilled. So needs are very important and the base where designers should use in creating their products.

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